

    The Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) is a national initiative aimed at enhancing urban infrastructure and ensuring basic services in cities, thereby improving the quality of life for residents, especially the urban poor. In Uttarakhand, AMRUT has been implemented in seven cities: Dehradun, Haridwar, Haldwani, Rudrapur, Kashipur, Roorkee, and Nainital.

    AMRUT 1.0
    Launch Date: June 2015

    Objective : Ensure basic services in cities, enhancing quality of life for all, especially the urban poor.
    Target: 500 cities over five years.

    Focus Areas:
    1. Development of urban infrastructure.
    2. Promotion of sustainable practices.

    Key Components:
    Water Supply: Providing continuous and adequate drinking water supply. Achieve 100% household-level coverage with direct water supply connections, ensuring a per capita supply of 135 liters per day.
    Sewerage and Septage Management: Improving sanitation through efficient sewerage systems. Attain complete coverage of latrines (individual or community) and sewerage network services, with 100% efficiency in collection and treatment.
    Storm water Drainage: Developing effective drainage systems to prevent flooding.
    Green Spaces: Creating parks and open areas for community use. Provide 10-12 square meters of open space per person in plain areas to enhance amenity and promote well-being.
    Total Urban Planning: Fostering integrated urban planning and management.

    AMRUT 2.0

    Launch Date: October 2021

    Objective: Build on AMRUT 1.0 towards sustainable, climate-resilient urban development.

    Focus Areas:

    1. Emphasis on green, livable, and smart cities.
    2. Enhanced citizen participation and governance.

    Key Components:

    Water Supply and Management: Continued focus on accessible and quality water services.
    Green Spaces : Increased provision of green belts and parks.
    Water Conservation: Water bodies Rejuvination
    Urban Planning: focus on sustainable and inclusive development practices t
    Capacity Building: Providing training and resources for urban local bodies to improve governance and implementation.

    AMRUT 1.0 Progress :-

    S.No components Target Achievement
    1. water supply connections 70885 72607
    2. sewerage connections 217853 12382
    (The remaining connections services are provided through the FSTP.)
    3. parks constructed 44 43

    AMRUT 2.0
    Launch Date: October 2021
    Objective: Build on AMRUT 1.0 towards sustainable, climate-resilient urban development.
    Focus Areas:
    Emphasis on green, livable, and smart cities.
    Enhanced citizen participation and governance.
    Key Components:
    Water Supply and Management: Continued focus on accessible and quality water services.
    Green Spaces : Increased provision of green belts and parks.
    Water Conservation:- Water bodies Rejuvination
    Urban Planning: focusing on sustainable and inclusive development practices t
    Capacity Building: Training and resources for urban local bodies to improve governance and

    AMRUT 2.0 Progress :-

    S.No components Target Achievement
    1. water supply connections 40583 1370
    2. Parks proposal 14
    3. Water bodies Rejuvenation proposal 04

    For More Information (Click Here)